Brad Harris is 80 and Trains For Life

Brad Harris is 80 and Trains For Life

Actor, Stuntman and Entrepreneur Brad Harris recently turned 80 years of age. He still trains every day. He was going to UCLA and began weight training with classmate, actor, William Smith. He was inspired by Hercules star, Steve Reeves. Being so close to the film...
The Ability to Change

The Ability to Change

“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.”– Albert Einstein While the change is hardly the contrived, photoshopped and phony “before and after” shots in magazines, this is real. Client is Physician, age 56. Here are the changes- Height...
Black and White

Black and White

Coach Dan John, in the prelude to one of his incredible DVD presentations said to, “….not moralize in the weight room”. This is quite a mouthful and the philosophy has spilled over to my thinking in a number of areas. It’s a logical fallacy to...

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