Consistency Trumps Intensity

Consistency Trumps Intensity

These results are because of online training. I’ve met this client once during his East coast vacation trip for an hour training session. All other training has been through exchange of email, spreadsheets and a twice monthly telephone call. This is what online...
Tough Guys: Roger Carpenter

Tough Guys: Roger Carpenter

[This is pieced together from various internet sources including my old blog. Enjoy this bio and learn from Sensei Roger’s wisdom.] 1973-FIGHT TURNS INTO A SLAUGHTER In Wichita Kansas in 1973 Roger Carpenter battled John Bal’ee. This bout started off under the...
Green Ghost Chronicles: The Intermittent Carnivore

Green Ghost Chronicles: The Heavy Bag

[In his own words. I don’t need to add since this says it all!] Training Jounal Entry: Heavy Bag – 100 Power Punches, 30 seconds rest, x 5 ( maintenence ) 16 oz gloves used today. Most of the time its either this or 50 punches, 15 sec. rest, x 10. I rotate...
Tough Guys: Jim “Ronin” Harrison

Tough Guys: Jim “Ronin” Harrison

“Jim Harrison saved my life once… he pulled his punch an inch from my face!” – Chuck Norris Called ”one of the most dangerous men in the world” by Bruce Lee, Harrison got his indoctrination into the Martial Arts from Bob Kurth, a former Judo Champion and...

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