Lifting Spirits by Exercising with Cancer by David Haas

This is a guest blog by David Haas. David is a cancer support group and awareness program advocate at the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance. In addition to researching the many valuable programs available to our site’s visitors, David often blogs about programs and...

System Six by Josh Hillis

 To use the words “thorough” would be the understatement of the last four centuries”I received Josh Hillis’ System Six last week. My usual method is to read through the ebook and then take some notes,.. perhaps practice some of the ideas and...

Franco Columbu Deadlift Method-Simplicity

“Train each bodypart twice a week, as hard and relentless as possible each time. Every second week, I’d deadlift after my leg routine. My deadlift workout was 300 for five reps, 400 for five reps, 500 for five reps, 600 for two or three reps, 650 for one...

Pavel Tsatsouline Over a Decade Ago

“His body is more Bruce Lee than Arnold, and he’s more interested in training for combat than training for the beach.”Over a decade ago this interview was published on What seemed unusual and exotic then, is commonplace now. It is...


Note the healthy skin and large, muscular, physique of the modern hunter-gatherer. Aragon- “It’s basically nonsense combined with a lot of speculation & assumption of prehistory. For the...

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