What would the creative mind of Louie Simmons do with Paul Anderson's Bench Press Machine?? What did the machine actually do besides some sort of movable power rack? The fertile mind of the Westside Barbell Club and the raw physical genius of Paul Anderson boggles the...
Savate’s Quiet Man, Daniel Duby
Daniel Duby is considered by many as the father of Savate in America. He traveled the world to enhance and update his personal combat method. He lives on Reunion Island now and is no less lethal.Here is a French Page on DanielHere are his DVD's
Size Does Matter
Do differences in body size and weight matter in the big picture? You be the judge. This page offers some really interesting people. SIZE
The Real Max Baer
Max Baer was not the man that you saw in the movies. He was an entertaining, powerful fighter. Here is a short page on his history. BAER
Chocolate. It’s time to believe the hype
There has long been doubts and questions around the mystical properties of chocolate. Well here is the deal. Read On
Ray Floro Sparring- Lots of Fun
Training Tools From Yesterday
In an effort to get stronger, tools are designed help facilitate variations in training modes. These tools still look highly effective and would probably help many trainers today.
Do Ducks!
The almost mythological Jeff King performed an exercise for his legs called "Ducks". King came and went and people still remember him in awe. He was the 1983 Mr. America and went on to win the NABBA Tall Mr. Universe. His thighs may have surpassed Tom Platz. To get...
Ed Parker Jr.- Martial Artist, Artist
American Kenpo Grandmaster Ed Parker's son, Ed Parker Jr. continues the legacy. His art is everywhere and that means Kenpo or Graphic. KENPO
Pat Neve, On Arms and Bench Press
In Pat's words in Peary Rader's Ironman Magazine."I superset bicep and triceps every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Incline Curls with DB, 4 sets, 8 reps Super set with: DB French Press, 4 sets, 8 repsnext: BB Curl, 4 sets, 10 reps Superset with: Lying Tricep Ext., 4...
We need more movies like this.
Count Dante. How it was back then.
Exposure to martial arts back in the '60's was through Wide World of Sport, Johnny Carson, Merv Griffen, or early Karate Magazines. All of us bought comic books and this ad appeared in all of them. The history of this ad, and Count Dante ( John Keehan) is a small,...
He lives and breathes the arts
Kelly Worden's blood must be more corrosive than the "Alien's". He has been training since he was a young buck in the Pacific Northwest. He has been through traditional karate, boxing, streetfighting, JKD, grappling, Indonesian and Filipino martial arts. His aptitude...
This is a photo from the famous Zuver's Gym. Take a look at the weight. A giant shackle and anchor. Apparently the bar itself was bent by wrestler, Superstar Billy Graham when he loaded the machine with an impossible load. This gym was a hardcore trainer's dream.
A Day With Master Chai
Here is some nice research on the value of a popular spice. CLICK
Lima Lama -The Hand of Wisdom
Lima Lama is the Polynesian Art of Self Defense. Tino Tuiolosega is known as the Grandmaster of this art. His fighting skills in war time, in the ring, and on the street are part of everyones memories of "back in the day". Here is a great historical page about Lima...
Supplemental Exercise To Bench 600
This is one of the exercises used by Pat Casey as he became the first man to Bench Press 600 pounds. He is incline pressing two, 220lb, dumbells. There was some question about this lift since the angle on the bench was NOT 45 degrees. It is still quite a feat of...