by tfurman | Oct 28, 2013 | Articles, Blog, Fitness, Health, Supplements, Testosterone
This is a sensitive issue. One does not speak of alcohol without the horror stories of addiction, drunk driving, lost lives and lost dreams. Those who practice a fit lifestyle often question the effects of drinking on their body, longevity, appearance, etc....
by tfurman | Oct 22, 2013 | Blog, Diet, Fitness, Health, Kettlebell
This post is from my FB page. I have cleaned it up a bit, but excuse the formatting. It will be a bit of a mess, but the value of it is still quite profound. Lot’s of examples of training methods, results and adaptations....
by tfurman | Oct 8, 2013 | Blog, Body Weight, Diet, Health, Strength
Years ago in an article in Black Belt Magazine, karate legend, Gary Alexander spoke up in an interview. He was a hardcore Marine turned martial artist. Truly the first champion. He thrived on hard training and today is still lean, fit and tough. He spoke of visiting...
by tfurman | Sep 26, 2013 | Blog, Body Weight, Fitness, Health
Actor, Stuntman and Entrepreneur Brad Harris recently turned 80 years of age. He still trains every day. He was going to UCLA and began weight training with classmate, actor, William Smith. He was inspired by Hercules star, Steve Reeves. Being so close to the film...
by tfurman | Sep 24, 2013 | Blog, Body Weight, Diet, Health, Suspension Training
“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.”– Albert Einstein While the change is hardly the contrived, photoshopped and phony “before and after” shots in magazines, this is real. Client is Physician, age 56. Here are the changes- Height...
by tfurman | Sep 10, 2013 | Articles, Blog, Kettlebell
[This movement IS NOT the Sumo Deadlift High Pull used at Crossfit. Please read carefully] In Eddie Kowacz’ words- It’s all about training the Posterior Chain and the Swing High Pull is one of the most effective and efficient training movements that you...