by tfurman | Aug 26, 2014 | Articles, Blog
Max Shank’s long awaited book is here. While you have heard others talk and decipher movement, muscle and moxy, Max is putting his money where his mouth is. Certainly anyone who can toss around ‘bells, do Highland Games and practice Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and...
by tfurman | Aug 24, 2014 | Articles, Blog, Body Weight, Fitness, Health, Kettlebell, mobility, Strength
gen·e·sis jen?sis noun the origin or mode of formation of something. “this tale had its genesis in fireside stories” synonyms: origin, source, root, beginning, start If we look at the genesis of an idea or method, we can sometimes view it without addition,...
by tfurman | Aug 20, 2014 | Blog, Body Weight, Diet, Fitness, Health, mobility, Suspension Training
“When I played football, I was lifting weights, but when it came to doing Tarzan, I wanted to be really cut and trim and sculptured. I didn’t lift any weights, but I did calisthenics. I did the same routine every day to get in better shape – rather...
by tfurman | Aug 18, 2014 | Blog
“Ignore the outcome and do the work” Kenny “X” is a client. He has a high stress job and practices Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. The combination of facing security threats and errors in international banking on a daily basis was punctuated by showing up...
by tfurman | Aug 17, 2014 | Articles, Blog, Diet, Health
I like pizza. It’s probably the most enjoyable food I eat. Most, however, associate pizza with the term, ‘junk’ or ‘bad’ food. They are labeling something they have NO idea about. Food is made up of macronutrients. Protein, Fat,...
by tfurman | Aug 7, 2014 | Blog, Diet, Health
“Hypocrite – A person who professes certain ideals, but fails to live up to them.” We live in a world of abundance. An incredible time that could only be fathomed by science fiction writers and visionaries. But such abundance, convenience and safety...