The North Korean’s fired some ICBM’s. The Space Shuttle took off. We live in interesting times.
30 Minutes of Cardio, Bandwork, and some Stickwork tonite. (Kali, and Venezuelan Garrote).
Dinner is Buffalo Feta Burgers over Summer Greens, and a glass of Merlot.
Alot more to come.
Good luck with your blog! I have met some interesting people in the strength and training game.
A very good blog is Ken Black, RKC, the other side of strength. It is on the Blogger.
Happy 4th!
Nice meal!
I started a blog on June 20th and my better half helped me lauch it on my web site yesterday too.
It called Kool Kettlebells.
Good Luck with yours Tom.
welcomd to blogdom. cant wait to read your stuff.