KB Fire is one of the first DVD’s to address the conditioning of someone who actually works for a living,.. a Fireman. Fortunate for me that I have many friends and associates who are in this profession so the subject of conditioning for this lifestyle is something I am familiar with. Tom is clear in his representation of the basics of using a simple tool (the kettlebell) and how it fits well into the various unwieldy tasks the Firefighter has to contend with. He then goes onto to warmups, workout templates, and unique exercises that adapt the metabolism and musculature into a well oiled machine that will not let you down when the difference can be life for death.
The subject matter presented could install a lifestyle change for those Fireman who have let their conditioning slip and need a new lease on life so to speak. It also provides a breath of fresh air in the Kettlebell DVD industry where making things more complex seems more important than sound communication provided by someone who has actually lived his resume.
I’d say Tom Corrigan is the “go to” guy when it comes to taking the next step in “Blue Collar” fitness. I highly recommend his DVD. It is professionally produced and uses more than one set, or back drop. He spared no expenses in providing good instruction at a good price.
Contact Tom at http://bluecollarfitness.com/ for DVD’s, Instruction, or just to talk training!
Ok, Tom, you talked me into it. I was originally going to ignore this based on the Dragondoor “hype” factor, but between your recommendation and a look at the man’s blog, Fireman Tom has won me over. The DVD goes on my wish list and his blog goes on my “bookmarks”.
Thanks for your support!
The things you may take away from this are some good ways to teach the clean and some alternatives until your students do so, and the KB warm up has gotten some good feedback too.
My market (most obviously) is firefighters, of which 99% have had limited/no experience with KBs/Party Methods etc. so the DVD will be a lot of new concepts and ideas for them.
The blog (sorry to say) is more of a placeholder, that I made for the BCF.com website until I made a “real” site. I’m not enough of an attention whore to throw every thought and training tip out there, and I don’t even what to compete with guys like Furman, who consistently find outstanding training and nutrition info.
Thanks again, and if you are interested in training firefighters, please send me an email at kbfiremantom AT yahoo.com