Seasons of Temper


This book is about developing and more importantly, maintaining, or seasoning your strength. The kind that grips like death, endures “until” and gets the job done. Strength that ignores numbers and feasts and focuses on outcomes. Strength that flows from the mind and spirit into a skeleton and connective tissue that defies belief. With a will of iron and ice water in the veins, it causally moves forward when situations seem hopeless.



Seasons – “an indefinite or unspecified period of time” (Archaic)

Seasoned – describes a person who has been around forever, doing what they do, and doing it well – throughout the seasons. They have lots of experience, and they can handle just about anything that comes their way.

Tempering – “improve the hardness and elasticity”

There is a saying about men who grew up hard, got tough, and lasted. It’s called seasoned strength. They may have been born tough, had a strong gene pool, or possibly just no other choice but to survive. Usually, their strength was, “burned into them at a young age”, to quote Maurice Baker, an arm-wrestling legend. However, there is more to it than that. Success leaves clues and science supports but does not prove. We have to step back and look at the big picture. Eliminate the excess to arrive at the essential. Seek the utmost from the minimum.

This book is about developing and more importantly, maintaining, or seasoning your strength. The kind that grips like death, endures “until” and gets the job done. Strength that ignores numbers and feasts and focuses on outcomes. Strength that flows from the mind and spirit into a skeleton and connective tissue that defies belief. With a will of iron and ice water in the veins, it causally moves forward when situations seem hopeless.

Seasons of Temper is a guide about tempering the mind and body for men of seasoning. It’s to amplify the grizzle and grit as opposed to exploiting the exuberance of youth.

-Tom Furman


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