Most often, advertisements are intentionally misleading. Sensationalism captures our attention and focusing on the extreme rather than a the middle ground becomes a seductive trap rather than a mere, logical fallacy. In an information based society, we want instant results downloaded to our lives as quickly as a photo to Instagram. The reality is far removed from the fantasy in this case and the hard facts are often sobering. However, there is a different mindset that exists. It’s called “punching the clock” or learning to #trainforlife.
EdX, is a husband, father and employed in the IT world. He has a full day and as much pressure as anyone. To that end, he as to train before work, which for him is 5AM. He simply realizes to get the outcome he desires he has to arrange his hierarchy of tasks. You simply figure out what you have to do and do it. For others this may mean a lunch time activity or on the way home from work or perhaps in the evening. WHEN is not important. It’s simply that you do it. Realize that showing up is 90% of anything.
The transition is not a 30 day miracle. No special lighting, no photoshopping, no spray on tans. It’s a product of EdX’s work and online coaching. Through multiple emails, Skype, training journals and diet journals, analysis can occur and distinctions in behavior can be applied. It is not about yelling, “destroying your client”, or silly motivational memes. It’s about communication and application. Below is Ed’s progress over a year that included vacations, business travel, holidays and the usual stuff that most people use as stumbling blocks. EdX used them as stepping stones towards a powerful outcome. Click to enlarge the photo.

Similar results can be obtained by taking two simple steps.
– Making the decision to do so.
– Contacting me at